Generální konference 2022

Zpravodajství, Život církve / 23 dílů / poslední díl: 18. 6. 2022

Setkání Generální konference Církve adventistů sedmého dne od 6. června do 11. června 2022 v St. Louis

Zprávy z GK 2022 #6 (sobota 11. 6. 2022 | The 61st General Conference Session)

Z pořadu: Generální konference 2022

Zajímavostmi a inspirativními body programu zasedání Generální konference Církve adventistů sedmého dne 2022 vás přímo ze St. Louis v Missouri provede Tamar Hajdušková, ředitelka slovenského Štúdia Nádej.

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Zprávy z GK 2022 #5 (sobota 11. 6. 2022 | The 61st General Conference Session)

Z pořadu: Generální konference 2022

Podívejte se na sobotní postřehy z Generální konference CASD v americkém St. Louis.
O svoje zážitky se s vámi tentokrát podělí učitel ATI Josef Kučera a delegát Luděk Kysela z českobudějovického sboru.

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#GCSession 2022-St. Louis | Saturday Afternoon

Z pořadu: Generální konference 2022

Join the live stream of the final programs of the 61st General Conference Session being held in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Following lunch, the General Conference recognizes the city of St. Louis for hosting our worldwide church gathering, followed by messages on mission, recognition of retiring officers and a recommittment of the church to the mission of "I Will Go." [link]

Follow our church social media accounts to get more informational and inspirational posts throughout this week:

ANN Website:
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#GCSession 2022-St. Louis | Saturday Morning

Z pořadu: Generální konference 2022

Join the live stream of the 61st General Conference Session being held in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

This morning following a digital music concert, GC Session attendees experience Sabbath School as a worldwide church. The Sabbath School lesson this quarter has been a deep study of Genesis.

Following Sabbath School, we will be hearing from the General Conference President for our divine worship service.

Follow our church social media accounts to get more informational and inspirational posts throughout this week:

ANN Website:
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#GCSession 2022-St. Louis | Friday Night

Z pořadu: Generální konference 2022

Join the live stream of the 61st General Conference Session being held in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

The evening program begins with a digital music concert.

Following the concert, Duane McKey, Cami Oetman, Ramón Canals, and Jim Howard present an inspirational message about personal ministry and Total Member Involvement within the Adventist Church.

Follow our church social media accounts to get more informational and inspirational posts throughout this week:

ANN Website:
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#GCSession 2022-St. Louis | Friday Afternoon

Z pořadu: Generální konference 2022

Join the live stream of the 61st General Conference Session being held in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Following lunch, the General Conference Session continues with seeing how God is working through His people across the world with the following division reports:
South American Division
East Central Africa Division
Inter-European Division
West-Central Africa Division
South Pacific Division
Southern Asia-Pacific Division

Follow our church social media accounts to get more informational and inspirational posts throughout this week:

ANN Website:
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#GCSession 2022-St. Louis | Friday Morning

Z pořadu: Generální konference 2022

Join the live stream of the 61st General Conference Session being held in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

This morning following a digital music concert, William Lee will present a worship message entitled, "Jesus is Coming Because He Said So!" William Lee serves as Senior Pastor at historic Shiloh Seventh-day Adventist Church in Chicago, IL. He is also the Men's Ministries Director of the Lake Region Conference, as well as host for 3ABN's "For Guy's Only."

Following the worship message, we will move into division reports and see how God is working across the world. Here is the list of the divisions that will be presenting this morning:
North American Division
Middle East and North Africa Union
Chinese Union Mission
Isaraeli Field
North Asia-Pacific Division
Southern Asia Division
Euro-Asia Division
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
Trans-European Division
Inter-American Division

Follow our church social media accounts to get more informational and inspirational posts throughout this week:

ANN Website:
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Zprávy z GK 2022 #4 (čtvrtek 9. 6. 2022 | The 61st General Conference Session)

Z pořadu: Generální konference 2022

Co prožili naši čeští a slovenští zástupci na Generální konferenci adventistů v americkém městě St. Louis ve čtvrtek? O své postřehy se s námi podělí v nové reportáži Daniel Márföldi, tajemník Slovenského sdružení Církve adventistů sedmého dne.
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